Looking For Volunteers At Campus Dammweg

July 28, 2023
© Berlin Mondiale, photo by Mohamad Badarneh

Are you interested in helping out with one of the followings?

• Archiving Seeds

Are you interested in starting a living seed archive of what grows in the city, including the spontaneous plants?

• Hosting

From open garden hours to small events, so people can gather in the garden, borrow tools, books, seeds?

• Urban Gardening

Do you want to create a space where we could cook for and with the community and test a different gardening techniques?

• Our budget is tiny

However we would be happy to offer you some monetary compensation to join, please reach out and we will try to find a solution.

If any of these sounds exciting to you, and can joinus for 3 hours or more a week, please reach out at margit@berlin-mondiale.de


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